Angel Card Reading Classes – easy and proven way to get Divine Messages!
“I love teaching Angel Card Reading Classes! This is one of the best ways to connect to Angels, get their direct guidance, and become best friends with them! With time and experience, you will see how much you can trust and rely on them. How their guidance is always loving, personal and optimal. They will always support you and boost your confidence as a person and reader! Let’s spread their messages around the world, we all will only benefit from it!” ~Maria Sidorova – Angel Card Reader and Teacher
Your Angels know you and your path in this life. They have called you here to discover who you are and your gifts. Through their teachings and sacred wisdom, you will develop and unlock your intuition.
These Angel Card Reading Classes are for everyone! You may have no experience what so ever and want to develop your intuition or you may have an extensive experience and want to start reading Cards professionally and get an extra income, this course is for you!
This can be very important and deeply meaningful work not only for you but for people around you who are waiting and seeking for a reader like you, who can pass Angels messages and guidance to shine the light and love on them and their lives!
Invest in Yourself!
When you connect with the Divine Power within, the ability to earn extra income and have meaningful work is endless. I invested in a course to be certified as a reader, and my income has more than paid for the course. I now continue to develop my gifts, and life is endlessly exciting with this ability. I am pleased to let you know that I am offering my Angel Reader Certification Group Program at a special price to jump-start a new career or add to your holistic practice.
The floodgates opened when I took this course. I now train others in a fun, like-minded community environment all over the phone and Skype. Incredible changes and blessings have arrived since I learned how to do these readings. It would be an honor to teach you how to do this for yourself, friends, and family and professionally during this five-week course.
What we will cover:
During our Intuitive Angel Card Reading Classes/Workshops, you will:
- Learn how to connect to Angels, get their messages, read for yourself, and how to apply these messages to your life!
- Learn how to give readings regarding different aspects of someone life: relationship, work and career, soul purpose, and well being!
- Develop your intuition and learn how to trust your intuition especially, what to do when you are stuck and how to interpret cards that are not clear!
- Discover deep inner peace as you move into alignment with your soul’s purpose!
- Learn how to create multiple streams of income!
- Receive healing and inspiring messages!
- Receive a certificate and be a professional level reader!
This Intuitive Angel Card Reader course runs for five weeks, and the fee is $300, and at the end of my course, you will be able to provide a professional reading. You will be confident in your readings and know the ethics and morality around releasing all kinds of news in a loving, receptive way. You will get answers, and divine guidance for important decisions in your life, your friends and family lives and your clients’ lives.
Book Your Angel Card Reading Classes Today!
Available in Person or via Skype!
You are welcome to choose any of the following payment methods: Cash, Cheque, Email Transfer or PayPal.
Angel Card Reading Classes is a series of 5 classes. The fee is $350.
To find out when our next Angel Card Reading Classes are and to register, simply click on Classes Calendar or e-mail us at
If you want to get an Angel Card Reading, please book your session with Maria!
If you are a first time customer, please make a 100% deposit to reserve your session with Maria.
Please read my Online Privacy and Cancellation Policy
Information regarding the following topics is provided below:
- Angel Card Reading Classes, Q&A
- An Inspirational Card from Angels to Angel Card Reading Classes students, infused with love and faith Angels hold for you!
- About Maria Sidorova – Angel Card Reading Teacher
- Testimonials of Maria’s Angel Card Reading Classes students
Angel Card Reading Classes, Q&A
I don’t feel connected to Angels; will I still be able to read cards?
That is precisely the purpose of these Angel Card Reading classes – to help you to connect to Angels! In my professional opinion as a professional Angel Card Reader, I would say that connecting to Angels through the cards – is one of the easiest ways, if not the easiest one to establish that connection.
Angel Card Reading classes can be your first step of connecting with Angels, or it can be another way of deepening and expanding already established connection!
I don’t know if I’m intuitive, is this course for me?
Yes, this course is just a fantastic jump-start for you to develop your intuition and connection with Angels! I believe that we are all intuitive; we forgot how to connect to our intuition and how to use it.
For these reasons, I invite you to take Angel Card Reading classes and let Angels lovingly talk to you and to guide you to live the life of true purpose!
For those of you who already use their intuition and even mastered it, I invite you to take Angel Card Reading classes to add more tools into your professional toolbox! I guarantee you can learn something new!
How Angel Card Reading Classes will help me to connect to Angels?
Angels want to talk to you; they want to help you and to guide you. They want you to be happy, and they want to show you exactly how to do it!
During classes, I will teach you how to connect to angels, how to properly formulate and ask deeply meaningful questions to get deeply meaningful, and life-changing answers. You will get the best and always right answer from Angels through the cards.
It is effortless, you ask a question, and Angels send you a card or cards as an answer. Angels are always right as they see the bigger picture and they always want the best for you, better then you can ever imagine; so the card or the cards they are giving you are the simply the best ones as they represent the highest and best guidance Angels directly pass to you.
After taking Angel Card Reading classes, you would know how to get advice and guidance directly from Angels!
What kind of messages can I get from Angels?
You can ask about anything you want to ask. Angels are very open, loving, and caring. They always want the best for you. Nothing is too small or too big for them to answer, nothing is more or less important, as they always want the best for you, so they give you the best answers, always.
Can I get direct and specific guidance from Angels?
Absolutely, you can ask Angels specific questions about time, seasons, numbers. You can ask anything you want to ask. During Angel Card Reading classes I will show you how to formulate the best questions to get the best answers, as a vague question brings a vague answer, and a specific question dispels fogginess and brings a very clear answer.
How do I know, I’m not making it up?
I will show you how to use your intuition and how to rely on very specific and clear guidance from Angels. By the end of our Angel Card Reading classes, you will learn how to distinguish between the laud and firm voice of your mind and the loving, caring guidance of your intuition. You will learn to trust Angels and trust to your intuition, and you will see, it’s easy and fun!
Can I take classes online?
Yes, It is my pleasure to offer you online Angel Card Reading classes via Skype! You will feel as though you are here with a group taking classes and me. You will also be able to ask any questions, practice reading cards, interact with the group, and actively participate in classes.
Which decks of cards will we use during Angel Card Reading classes?
We will use the following decks of cards:
1. Doreen Virtue “Magical Mermaids and Dolphins oracle cards.”
2. Doreen Virtue “Healing with the Angels oracle cards.”
The third deck is optional, I suggest that you get this deck, as it expands the perception and readings, but it’s totally up to you.
3. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine “Angel Tarot oracle cards.”
Do you offer private classes?
I understand that for some of you, it might be not convenient for any reason to take group classes. With my pleasure, I am happy to offer you private Angel Card Reading classes. Each class would take from 1 hour to 90 minutes. The fee for all five classes is $700.
An Inspirational Card from Angels to Angel Card Reading Classes Students!
Hello, my dear Angel Card Reading Classes student,
The following message is infused with love, and faith Angels hold for you!
I asked the Angels to give the words of guidance, love, and inspiration for the ones who are interested in taking Angel card-reading classes, in inviting them to get to know the Angels better and to learn more from the Angels.
Before I share the message I got from the Angels for you, let me say that Angels are always there for you. They always listen, support, and help you. They do their best for you to have the best of what is possible at the moment.
The only thing they want; is that you would be happy, really happy, deeply from the bottom of your heart!
So while you pray for them, asking them to make you happy, to help you to be happy, they will answer. “We do our best to support you, even if you don’t think it’s the best situation, even if you want it to be different, believe us, it’s simply the best at that moment, trust us, as it is true!”
For this reason, we Angels pray for you, beloveds; please enjoy the moment, as it is the best! Whatever is going on is just the best! Relax and be happy! Please celebrate and be happy now! PLEASE BE HAPPY!
The Angels showed me a very simple exercise you can do daily to raise your vibration and anchor yourself at the level of love and happiness.
- Please put hands on your heart
- Close your eyes
- For as long as you feel guided, please repeat outlawed to yourself and your heart with as much love and compassion as you only can:
“(Your name) please be happy! (Your name) please be happy! (Your name) please be happy!”
- Feel the shift and notice the difference.
Please repeat this exercise daily. Start from a couple of minutes and continue for as long as you feel guided, completing it for 21 days at least.
You are very welcome to read a prayer to angels at the bottom of the Angel Readings page
About Maria Sidorova – Angel Card Reading Teacher
Hello beautiful angel,
Have you felt the guidance of an unknown source lately that you cannot explain? These are the Angels of your life looking out for you and imparting wisdom into your life!
To truly understand the messages which come from your Angels, you should consider delving into reading with me and if it is so destined, becoming an Angel card reader for yourself.
The joy that I feel when I do Angel card readings opens my heart and brings tears of joy to my life. The Angels always know what to say, and their messages are always powerful, uplifting, and accurate. Who knows better than Angels about everything that is in your highest and best interests?! Their advice has been proven to work! Try them out and see yourself!
After years of joyfully giving intuitive Angel card readings, I was asked so many times by my clients to teach them how to read Angel cards. Although I had the practical experience, I felt that I could only teach you if I had been taught by some of the world’s best known Angel Card teachers, including Doreen Virtue. Now I have it done; I can now convey my years of learning onto you concisely. This way, you can take one course and get to talk to your Angels when you need their guidance.
By the end of this course, the confidence I hold in the Angels, their guidance, and my classes mean that you will be a professional reader yourself!
It is one of my greatest pleasures to welcome you into the world of love and beauty of Angels and becoming a Certified Angel Card Reader! Come and join me today.
Much love,
Maria Sidorova
What students say about Angel Card Reading Classes with Maria:
“Maria is a great angel reading teacher, takes her time makes sure everything is understood. Beautiful experience.” ~Jason F., Toronto
“The angel reading course was very interesting and brought new perspectives. Thank you for introduction to angels.” ~Sharlene R., Toronto
Maria, thanks for opportunity to learn from you. You are amazing and have such a great understanding of what and how you teach.