Purchase Gift Certificates from Expand Reality
Gift certificates are fantastic gifts to offer for the person who has everything. Even if that present is only for you, this option is a fast and easy way to introduce your loved ones, friends, or associates to the benefits that Expanded Reality can provide through the services of Maria Sidorova.
We offer multiple gift certificate options in varying amounts so that your gift can be of the perfect value. Then encourage your recipient to book a session with Maria Sidorova at their convenience to enjoy an opportunity to connect with higher energies, find inner peace, or create a clear path to your dreams.
Each gift provides an opportunity to seek spiritual counseling when your heart begins to weigh heavily. Life purpose readings offer the chance to identify new paths to walk or confirm the benefits of the one you are on right now. Tarot card readings, intuitive guidance or ThetaHealing® sessions allow your gift certificate to do some powerful healing work in the life of a loved one.
Gift Certificate for $120
In addition to the opportunities above, you are invited to come to join our Classes, and other life moments where clarity is craved are all a possibility with this gift.