health workshop

Oneness Health Workshop currently unavailable

“Oneness University has been long associated with phenomenon, and it’s not a coincidence or exaggeration. People come to Oneness Health workshop with certain health issues to be resolved. Many of them will witness miracles of recovery right away, during the process, sometimes shortly after it, sometimes they will get insights of how to improve their health and what needs to be done, sometimes people who can help them will be brought to their attention….” Maria Sidorova – Oneness Trainer.

“It is essential to have a healthy body in order to attain awakening. Health is not just the absence of illness. Proper health is the result of several factors, both internal and external.” Sri Amma Bhagavan

The Oneness Health (Arogya) Deeksha Workshop targets all aspects of health, resulting in an all-encompassing restoration of our body, mind and senses to their best possible states. Oneness Health Workshop is working with all of the aspects, balancing and recovering your body, emotions, mind and  spirit, bringing it to its optimal state.

The goal of the workshop is to change a state of “disease” and sickness into the state of “health” on all the levels: physical, psychological and spiritual, also preparing you to the higher states of consciousness.

This is a spiritual program not restricted to any one faith.

Oneness Health Workshop is consists of:

  • Deekshas
  • Setting of Intention
  • Contemplation on teachings: Five Points For Greater Health
  • Ancient Ritual For Health and more

You may wish to bring: your journal and offerings (incense, flowers, fruits).

Information regarding the following topics is provided below:

  • About Maria – Oneness Trainer
  • Testimonials of Oneness Health Workshop participants

About Maria – Oneness Trainer, Oneness Health Workshop and Oneness Wealth Workshop conductor

Namaste Oneness friends!

IMG_0196Our Universe is a beautiful singularity in which all of our actions and reactions are part of our Oneness with all mankind.

I have been blessed to become a Deeksha giver and Oneness Trainer during my time in India at the Oneness University. So enriching has this experience been I have gone back to the Oneness University three times since 2007. It is hands down one of the best spiritual experience of my life. It has changed my life forever and it can change yours also.

There are a number of options to understanding what the Oneness University can do for you. For some this can be going to the Oneness University in India. However this is not always within the reach of us immediately. The alternative is to take classes with your Oneness Trainer locally.

As a Oneness Trainer I offer:

  • Oneness Health Workshop;
  • Oneness Wealth Workshop;
  • Initiations into becoming a Deeksha-giver;
  • I also give Deekshas and hold Oneness meditations.

I merely facilitate the space, talking, and conducting ceremonies. The work is done by you and your Divine. This is why the Oneness University is so powerful. I want you to come and join me on this process and witness these Divine miracles for yourself.

May you always be blessed!

Maria Sidorova

Here what participants say about Oneness Deeksha Health Workshop:

Wonderful process! It came out that my major issue was – lack of sensitivity. I thought, I give everything of my to others, family, friends, even strangers… but I forget about myself. How I can love other if I don’t love myself? Everybody knows these words, but following them is another story… Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!! ~ Julia K., Moscow


At this process for the first time in my life I experienced a very strong, clear and bright visualization of the feeling. I felt energy differently, but strong. Most wonderful is absolute absence of headache (for the first time within years) as a sign of health. I’m very grateful for it and for other experienced of the process. ~ Elena., Toronto


It’s like a waking call! Deeply look into to understand self more! Powerful & relaxing session! ~Cynthia W.,  Toronto


Maria, thank you very much, I got a lot of energy, as usually. This time my body was filed with goldend energy, my whole body was shining. I’m sure I will be healthy. My deepest gratitudes to you, Maria. ~ Valentina T., Toronto


…when I touched Padukas it was very powerful. It felt like a blast of energy. Thank you Maria for a wonderful experience…. ~ Beatriz V., Toronto


…when I touched the Padukas I felt a hug from Bhagavan. We were smiling as if we both agreed what was going on. The miracle which is happening… ~Toronto


I’m so grateful for this session and for the possibility to reflect on the 5 points which make it very clear for me to work on the lack of sensitivity. Frist time that I see pink colour and felt a very deep connection with the Divine. ~ Beatriz V., Toronto


Great experience, been able to share a ceremony where we all with different experiences go for the miracle of health expression in this lifetime. Allows to all of us to connect with our Divinity and miracles that He/She has for us. ~Denisse S., Toronto


I have a feeling that I process begun, it started and continue to unfold. I hope to get a miracle in the next few days.~ Svetlana A., Moscow


The process brought a lot of inner-piece, inner-conflict has dissolved. I’m confident, that miracles have already happened! I will feel the result soon. Thank you, Maria. ~ Olfa A.,Toronto


Very powerful session. Feeling a strong connection with Divine. Experienced progress on spiritual and physical level. Achieved a great sense of self-awareness. Feeling full of joy and happiness. ~Irina T., Toronto


Very strong feeling during the ceremony. Keep holding the ceremonies! Many thanks! ~ Alla K., Toronto


Thank you for a wonderful day! I felt a lot of energy and much needed calmness. ~ Nadezda., Toronto


I was deeply connected with my past experience and I’m confident about my healthy future. ~ Larisa, Toronto


My health issues were pointed out to me. My heart was feeling very heavy – it lightened up.  ~Felismina N., Toronto