Relaxation is your portal to the desired outcome!
There is power in these cards – power that will lead you forward if you allow it to do so. Be sure that you are ready for transformation, which can happen at any moment when you are healing. Read on to learn how to use this card.
How to use the card’s guidance:
1. Contemplate the images. If you feel any discomfort or irritation, the emotion is out of balance. You do not need to like the image, but it should not cause you discomfort.
2. Do a color healing. There are colors on each card, and if you look at them, you can let them heal you. If the sensation is positive, stay with it. If the sensation is uncomfortable, there is likely an imbalance. Find the corresponding chakra in Chapter 2, Chakras to Elevate your Emotions booklet, follow the healing, and balance the energy of this chakra.
3. Accept an energy healing. The energy of Angels charges all the cards. Merely spending some time with the card will help you heal.
4. Follow the guidance of the card. Read the description very slowly and stay open to transformation. The slower you read and the more open you are, the easier it is for your Divine to shift your energy. If you are emotional, read the card slowly, wait a few minutes, and reread it even more slowly.
1. Affirmations:
• My body is Relaxed. My emotions are Relaxed. My mind is Relaxed. I am Relaxed.
• I am letting go of all the worries and doubts, and I allow myself to be Relaxed.
• Every day I find time to Relax.
2. Pray to Angels: Dear Angels, please Relax my: Physical body, so that I can be filled it with light, ease, and Relaxation. Emotional body, to love and accept myself unconditionally. Mental body, to experience peace. Spiritual body, to stay connected to All-That-Is. Thank you.
3. Crystals: Amethyst, aventurine, and pink tourmaline.
4. Essential oils: Lavender, clary sage roman chamomile, patchouli, sandalwood, and frankincense.
5. Chakras: main chakras: 1st and 2nd.
Do you want to learn more? Read Elevate Your Emotions book.
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